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In press or Forthcoming 


Gendron, M. Crivelli, C. & Barrett, L.F. (in press). Universality Reconsidered: Diversity in Meaning Making about Facial Expressions. Current Directions in Psychological Science.


Gendron, M. & Barrett, L. F. (forthcoming). How and why are emotions communicated? In Fox, A. S., Lapate, R. C., Shackman, A. J. & Davidson, R. J. (Eds.), The nature of emotion: Fundamental questions (2nd edition). Oxford University Press.


Gendron, M., & Barrett, L. F. (in press). Emotion perception as conceptual synchrony. Emotion Review.


Gendron, M. (in press). Revisiting Diversity: Cultural Variation Reveals the Constructed Nature of Emotion Perception. Current Opinion in Psychology.


Atzil, S., & Gendron, M. (in press). Bio-Behavioral Synchrony Promotes the Development of Conceptualized Emotions. Current Opinion in Psychology.


Fugate, J., Gendron, M., Nakashima, S. F., & Barrett, L. F. (in press). Emotion Words: Adding Face Value. Emotion.





Hoemann, K., Gendron, M., & Barrett, L. F. (2017). Mixed emotions in the predictive brain. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 15, 51-57.


Crivelli, C. & Gendron, M. (2017). Facial Expressions and Emotions in Indigenous Societies. In J.M. Fernandez-Dols & J.A. Russell (Eds). The Science of Facial Expression. New York: Oxford.


Gendron, M. & Barrett, L. F. (2017). Facing the Past: A history of the face in psychological research on emotion perception. In J.M. Fernandez-Dols & J.A. Russell (Eds). The Science of Facial Expression. New York: Oxford.


Brooks, J.A.,* Shablack, H.,* Gendron, M., Satpute, A.B., Parrish, M.J., & Lindquist, K.A. (2017). The role of language in the experience and perception of emotion: A neuroimaging meta-analysis. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2,169-183. [*authors contributed equally] 


Barrett, L. F. & Gendron, M. (2016). The Importance of Context: Four Corrections to Cordaro, Keltner, Tshering, Wangchuk, & Flynn (2016). Emotion.


Lindquist, K.A., Gendron, M., & Satpute, A.B. (2016). Language and emotion: Putting words into feelings and feelings into words. In L.F. Barrett, M. Lewis & J.M. Haviland-Jones (Eds.) Handbook of Emotions (4th ed.). New York: Guilford.


Gendron, M., Roberson, D., & Barrett, L. F. (2015). Cultural variation in emotion perception is real: A response to Sauter et al. Psychological Science, 26, 357-359.


Lindquist, K.A., Satpute, A.B., & Gendron, M. (2015). Does language do more than communicate emotion? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 24, 99-108. 


Lindquist, K.A.,* Gendron, M.,* Barrett, L.F.* & Dickerson, B.C.* (2014). Emotion perception, but not affect perception, is impaired with semantic memory loss. Emotion, 4, 375-387. [*authors contributed equally].


Gendron, M., Roberson, D., van der Vyver, J. M., & Barrett, L. F (2014). Cultural relativity in perceiving emotion from vocalizations. Psychological Science, 25, 911-920.


Gendron, M., Roberson, D., van der Vyver, J. M., & Barrett, L. F (2014). Perceptions of emotion from facial expressions are not culturally universal: Evidence from a remote culture. Emotion, 14, 251-262.


Lindquist, K. A., Gendron, M., Oosterwijk, S., & Barrett, L. F. (2013). Do people essentialize emotions? Individual differences in emotion essentialism and emotional experience. Emotion 13, 629-644.


Gendron, M., & Barrett, L. F. (2013). Emotion perception. D. Reisberg (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Psychology (p. 379-389). New York: Oxford University Press.


Lindquist, K.A., & Gendron, M. (2013). What's in a word? Language constructs emotion perception. Emotion Review, 5, 66-71


Gendron, M., Lindquist, K., Barsalou, L., & Barrett, L. F. (2012). Emotion words shape emotion percepts. Emotion, 12, 314-325.


Barrett, L. F., Mesquita, B., & Gendron, M. (2011). Emotion perception in context. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 20, 286-290.


Gendron, M. (2010). Defining emotion: A brief history. Emotion Review, 2, 371-372.


Barrett, L.F., Gendron, M., Huang, Y-M. (2009). Do discrete emotions exist? Philosophical Psychology, 22, 427-437.


Gendron, M., & Barrett, L. F. (2009). Reconstructing the past: A century of ideas about emotion in psychology. Emotion Review, 1, 1-24.


Barrett, L. F., Lindquist, K., Bliss-Moreau, E., Duncan, S., Gendron, M., Mize, J., & Brennan, L. (2007). Of mice and men: Natural kinds of emotion in the mammalian brain? Perspectives on Psychological Science, 2, 297-312.


Barrett, L. F., Lindquist, K., & Gendron, M. (2007). Language as a context for emotion perception. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 11, 327-332.




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